The conservative and majority association of prosecutors breaks relations with García Ortiz

The conservative and majority association of prosecutors breaks relations with García Ortiz

11:48 a.m.

Vidal-Quadras advises PP and Vox to offer support to Illa in exchange for ending the process: “If he refuses, he will be portrayed”

The former president of the Catalan PP and founding member of Vox, Alejo Vidal-Quadras, assured this Monday that PP and Vox should offer their support to the socialist candidate for the Presidency of the Generalitat, Salvador Illa, to end the process, which he considers “liquidated”. “If he refuses, he will be portrayed,” Vidal-Quadras said in X. He has also defended that it is not a question of Illa “accepting it or not, but of making it clear that he prefers the separatists as partners.”

Vidal-Quadras has argued that PP and Vox should support Illa “at the head of a monochrome PSC government in exchange for a series of measures in the economic, fiscal, linguistic and institutional policies of the Generalitat.” Furthermore, Vidal-Quadras has indicated that “everything that happens in Catalonia” after May 12 and its electoral result “is subject to Sánchez continuing in La Moncloa.”

By Cristina F. Pereda

11:38 a.m.

The conservative and majority association of prosecutors breaks relations with García Ortiz

The Association of Prosecutors (AF), conservative and majority in the race, maintains its offensive against the State Attorney General, Álvaro García Ortiz. His latest move is to leave the work table to prepare a new Organic Statute of the Public Prosecutor’s Office (EOMF) in the face of a Criminal Procedure Law (LeCrim) that leaves criminal cases in the hands of prosecutors.

In a statement, the association describes as “unacceptable” the words of García Ortiz, who last Thursday in an interview on Cadena Ser stated that he saw an “identity of objectives” between the associations of judges and prosecutors and “certain political parties.” . Conservative prosecutors, who have repeatedly called for the resignation of the attorney general, maintain that this statement “calls into question” the “professionalism and independence” of the associations.

By Elena Herrera

10:50 a.m.

Mónica García asks to bet on a progressive executive in Catalonia where the commons have a key role

The Minister of Health, Mónica García, defended this Monday the formation of a progressive executive in Catalonia in which she considers it “fundamental” that Comuns-Sumar has a key role. “Today I think is a day of celebration. After the Catalan elections there is the possibility of there being a progressive government,” said the minister after participating in a forum on public health.

García has highlighted that the role of Sumar’s Catalan ally is decisive after betting during the campaign on “putting social justice and also ecology at the center.” The minister and leader of Más Madrid has congratulated Salvador Illa (PSC) on his victory and has highlighted that “he has a special sensitivity towards the national health system.”

By Cristina F. Pereda

10:15 a.m.

The comuns claim that “the only real possibility” of a stable Government is a left-wing coalition

The Comuns-Sumar campaign manager, David Cid, has claimed that “the only real possibility” of a stable government and “the only viable majority” in Catalonia is a left-wing coalition executive. In an interview on TV3, Cid has warned that his team wants a content agreement based on “concrete proposals.” “Our 6 seats are decisive,” he added. In this context, he has stated that it is up to the PSC, which has won the elections, to explore “if it has the will to reach an agreement.” “We will have to see if the PSC has this will or wants to turn towards Junts”, he concluded.

Asked if he believes that the process has been liquidated, Cid has avoided speaking in these terms and has limited himself to saying that the independence movement has lost its majority in Parliament. He has also recognized that the 6 seats in the commons, 3 less than in the last 2021 elections, are not the results that his political formation expected.


10:13 a.m.

Zapatero only sees Illa as a possible president and believes that the amnesty is “the best political decision of the last 10 years”

The former president of the government José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero declared this Monday that the presidency of the Generalitat of Catalonia “can only be for Salvador Illa”, PSC candidate and winner this Sunday. “The numbers are the numbers and the composition of the Chamber is very clear,” Zapatero added in reference to Illa’s possible pacts with ERC and the comuns, with which he would add the absolute majority necessary to govern.

During an interview offered this Monday to Radiocable, Zapatero defended the fact that in this campaign, despite the “very tough opposition” to the measure, there has been no talk of amnesty for the pro-independence leaders of the process. The former president has defended that the amnesty is “the best political decision of the last 10 years” and that “those of us who said that the amnesty reinforced the Constitution, democracy, and that the amnesty, as a country, made us better” were right.

By Cristina F. Pereda

09:45 a.m.

Andoni Ortuzar congratulates Junts and PSC: “It is time for politics and forging agreements between different parties”

The president of the PNV, Andoni Ortuzar, has congratulated the PSC and Junts for their result in the elections in Catalonia and has stated that “it is time for politics, for dialogue and for the ability to forge agreements between different parties.” This was stated by Ortuzar in a message published on Sunday night in

The leader of the PNV has congratulated Junts for results that, he assures, “consolidate it as the leading sovereigntist force.” Ortuzar also congratulated the PSC candidate, Salvador Illa, and called on all candidates to seek “the best for the Catalan Nation.”

By Cristina F. Pereda

09:28 a.m.

Alejandro Fernández avoids specifying what position the PP will adopt in a hypothetical investiture of Illa

The candidate for the Generalitat of Catalonia of the PP, and regional leader of this party, Alejandro Fernández, has avoided specifying this Monday what position he will maintain regarding the hypothetical investiture of Salvador Illa if he finally presents it. As he said in an interview on Radio Nacional, the responsibility of seeking support lies with the former minister and leader of the PSC, although he has assured that, of course, if he calls “he will pick up the phone” to see “what plans he has, because he has not told me What type of conversations do you want to develop? But he recalled that Illa, “says one thing in the campaign and then does another.”

Fernández has been very satisfied with the notable rise of the PP, although later assuring that “you have to be humble, and, especially when you have lived through difficult times, know that everything is relative.” The candidate added that the message that has been transmitted in these elections after the poor results achieved by the pro-independence parties is that the process is “over”, but he has reproached Sánchez and Illa himself “for having given a kind of second political life to Carles Puigdemont. Let’s see what that turns out to be,” he stated.

In a subsequent interview on La Hora de la 1, on TVE, Fernández assured that “the PP is not going to participate in any political operation that ends up meaning that separatism has the key in Catalonia and in Spain as a whole” because “that would be scamming our readers and that would be doing the trick.”

By Carmen Moraga

08:23 a.m.

The headlines of the Catalan elections

The electoral victory of the PSC this Sunday has resolved the question of whether there would be a coalition with a sufficient majority to govern in Catalonia. Negotiations are pending to form a government with ERC and Comuns-Sumar but between the three they have managed to save the 68 seats that give the absolute majority in the Parliament. These are the headlines left by the results of the Catalan elections:

By Cristina F. Pereda

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