the agency that transcends the boundaries of public relations

the agency that transcends the boundaries of public relations

The best doesn’t win, the best known wins. Under this premise, Gobe The First has positioned itself as a vehicle for anyone who requires expanding their personal brand exponentially and positioning at global levels.

“A leader or specialist who builds a personal brand becomes an authority figure,” considers the agency.

Gobe ​​The First offers to enhance the professional career and figure of its clients. The agency seeks for leaders in each of its areas to establish a presence that puts them first.

“We create a prestige,” explains the agency. “We are a big family, for us keeping our clients and exceeding their expectations has been an added value.”

Gobe ​​The First is beginning a stage with strategic alliances that promises its consolidation. “We have worked hard to achieve it, today we are at the point of growing by leaps and bounds,” he shared.

Carolina Del Ángel is its founder and director of public relations and the commercial area. She has 20 years of experience in the business field and 8 years of being a master in public image positioning of business leaders and professionals in various fields.

He has catapulted his agency, leading it to exponential growth year after year, placing it among the elite of the industry. She is a creator, creative. Her main driving force is to serve with ethics, respect and loyalty.

This is the Gobe The First 2024 leaders yearbook:

Public Accountant from the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí, he has a master’s degree in Business Administration from the Inter-American University for Development.

With more than 19 years of experience in auditing and financial consulting, he has accumulated extensive experience in various projects, such as the implementation of IFRS and USGAAP, financial transformation solutions, auditing of financial statements and projects that require accounting analysis in IFRS, USGAAP and MFRS, activities that have been carried out in different countries in Central and South America, in addition to Mexico. Currently, he is a leading partner of Mazars Financial Advisory in Mexico.

Industrial Engineer from the IPN, I have developed a solid entrepreneurial and leadership career. He founded the first conical pizza outlet in the country and participated in AIESEC and ROTARACT.

As President of the Commission of Young Entrepreneurs of COPARMEX, he promoted innovative projects and the Entrepreneur Law in the State of Mexico. Co-founder of SPORAH, recognized for its focus on the blue economy. He directed the Business Intelligence area at the IPN Business Accelerator.

Currently, as President of Grupo Arandia and shareholder of Practi Bite, the winning project of Shark Tank Mexico, he remains committed to innovation and social impact. Member of GenM and Kybernus, he works for the political, social and business development of Mexico.

She is an expert in Tax Law with studies in Business Law (UDLAP), Tax Law (ITAM) and corporate governance (IPADE). She has worked in the energy, hospitality, advertising and real estate sectors.

A prominent member of corporate governance boards, her focus on real estate is notable. Recently, she was named an Honorary Doctor for her impact on society. Additionally, she has inspired her children in entrepreneurship. Her commitment to excellence and her ability to balance her professional and personal life make her worthy of admiration.

  • Arath Galvan, Rodrigo Loeza and Angel Baez

In 2018, they launched Prepa IN, a transformative initiative that offers a 100% online educational solution for more than 35 million Mexicans who left their high school studies unfinished.

Through a platform accessible from any cell phone, Prepa IN allows students to obtain their official high school certificate in just 4 months, democratizing education and offering it at an affordable cost.

Currently, this project has not only benefited more than 14,000 students in Mexico and the United States, but has also established alliances with more than 40 companies and governments to provide scholarships that support academic growth and improved quality of life.

The success stories of those who have resumed their studies are testimony to the economic, social and emotional impact that Prepa IN is achieving, providing new opportunities and a promising future for individuals who, due to economic circumstances, had abandoned their education and today find themselves in the Laboral sector. Prepa IN’s mission is clear: to offer a second opportunity for those who seek to transform their lives through education.

With 25 years as a senior executive in the corporate world, where she led thousands of people in places such as Puerto Rico, the United States, the Caribbean and Mexico, today she is a Master Coach in various specialties (organizational, life and health, and neurolinguistics).

It is focused on the development of business leaders to transform not only the lives of leaders, but also elevate the success of companies.

An expert in Human Development, he has stood out as a professional committed to helping and training people in four areas: physical, emotional, mental and Spiritual.

Her holistic approach encompasses personalized, group and corporate therapies, tailored to elevate consciousness and promote emotional healing.

He is distinguished by his mastery in a variety of therapeutic techniques, with holistic approaches, neurolinguistic programming, numerology and finances.

Scott reminds us of the importance of connecting with ourselves and cultivating balance.

THe has more than 35 years of experience in auditing and financial consulting. She has worked on projects in Mexico, Central America, South America and Europe, specializing in IFRS, USGAAP and financial transformation.

He has audited multinationals under PCAOB standards and is an expert in financial modeling. He has lived in Cleveland, CDMX and Los Cabos. Currently, he is a leading international partner of Markets and partner of Audit and Financial Advisory of Mazars in Mexico.

Architect and interior designer specialized in real estate valuation, CEO and founder of the firm LARQ Arquitectura y Diseño. Currently, she establishes close collaboration with high-end brands at a national and international level, actively contributing to the creation of projects that cover various fields.

  • Jorge Cabrera and Jorge Alexis

Founders of ZAIAH, they gain relevance by redefining the context of investments through real estate flipping (buying properties, remodeling and selling), a trending business model with a defined purpose.

Changing the investment paradigm, ZAIAH ensures an instrument with low risk and attractive returns in the short term.

Diversifying your investments with a safe and scalable model has become tangible in an environment where you also contribute to the development and growth of the country.

Karina Welsh is an internationally recognized Mexican Life Coach, specialized in Quantum Coaching, Human Development and NLP. As director of Women with Purpose Speakers and founder of 360° Quantum Academy, she uses an innovative approach based on Quantum Physics and Conscious Manifestation to help people achieve their dreams from a high level of consciousness.

With more than 10 years of experience in business management and a Master in Commercial Management and Marketing, she has been awarded several awards, including the National Award for Professional Excellence and the honorary title of Doctor Honoris Causa for her outstanding work in the field. of Quantum Coaching. Her book “Make the Impossible Possible” details her Quantum Neurotransformation Method.

He has more than 30 years of experience advising companies in Mexico, working with clients of various sizes and sectors. He has participated in numerous foreign investment acquisition projects and in the corporate structuring of new companies opening subsidiaries in Mexico, including IMMEX registration and organizing teams to handle accounting, payroll and customs activities throughout the country.

Since 2010, he has been part of Mazars, and in 2018 he joined the Executive Committee. In 2021, he was named managing partner of the firm, bringing valuable international perspective gained through collaborations with leaders in the United States and abroad. His career demonstrates a constant commitment to business development and foreign investment in Mexico.

In 2014, despite his experience as national sales director, his venture failed. This led him to discover that being a business leader is not enough; You need a predictable sales system. Thus he created a system with four key elements: identifying the profitable customer, attracting them digitally, automating the commercial process and carrying out automated follow-ups, which allowed him to go from bankruptcy to leading a team of 50 collaborators. Now, his mission is to help business owners overcome sales stagnation with this system.

For more information, visit their social networks:

Facebook: @gobe the first

Instagram: @gobethefirst

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