Claudia Sheinbaum | What will the relations of the elected president of Mexico be like with Peru, Ecuador and Argentina, countries with which AMLO has clashed | Pedro Castillo | Javier Milei | Daniel Noboa | Jorge Glas | Elections 2024 | President-elect | WORLD

Claudia Sheinbaum |  What will the relations of the elected president of Mexico be like with Peru, Ecuador and Argentina, countries with which AMLO has clashed |  Pedro Castillo |  Javier Milei |  Daniel Noboa |  Jorge Glas |  Elections 2024 |  President-elect |  WORLD

The new president, who will replace AMLO on October 1, you have the challenge of facing the unsafety, which is the biggest problem for Mexicans. You will also have to deal with challenges related to poverty reduction where a third of the population lives, mitigate the growing impact of climate change, manage the complex relationship with USAa country that is in the middle of an electoral year and that has turned what happens in the border with migrants on a campaign issue.

LOOK: Mexico Elections 2024: “Sheinbaum’s triumph is the continuation of AMLO’s authoritarian and polarizing project”

A liability that will be inherited Sheinbaum It’s the tense relationship you’ve had AMLO with countries in the region such as Peru, Ecuador and Argentina.

Results of the elections in Mexico.  (AFP).

Results of the elections in Mexico. (AFP).

In the case of Peru, AMLO He described the removal of the president as “an injustice” and a “blow of conservatism” Pedro Castillowho on December 7, 2022, the Peruvian Congress vacated office hours after he carried out a coup d’état by dissolving Parliament and announcing the establishment of an “exception government.”

In the following days, AMLO He continued to use his daily press conference to refer to Peru in harsh terms.

In response, on December 21, Peru expelled the Mexican ambassador Pablo Monroy.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador gestures during a press conference in Mexico City on April 11, 2024. (Photo by ALFREDO ESTRELLA/AFP).

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador gestures during a press conference in Mexico City on April 11, 2024. (Photo by ALFREDO ESTRELLA/AFP).


The bilateral relationship worsened on February 23, 2023, when in a meeting at the National Palace with Lilia ParedesCastillo’s wife to whom Mexico granted political asylum along with her children, Lopez Obrador indicated that “Mexico will continue supporting the president (Castle) unjustly and illegally dismissed and will continue to demand that he be released. He cannot be in jail, it is a great injustice.”

The next day, the Peruvian president Dina Boluarte announced the retirement of the Peruvian ambassador to Mexico, Manuel Gerardo Talavera Espinar.

“I have ordered the definitive withdrawal of our ambassador to the United Mexican States and, in this way, diplomatic relations between Peru and Mexico remain formally at the level of chargé d’affaires,” said Boluarte.

Mexico He responded that he will keep his diplomatic team in Lima and that he will in no way close communication channels with the country.

Special forces of the Ecuadorian police trying to break into the Mexican embassy in Quito to arrest the former vice president of Ecuador, Jorge Glas, on April 5, 2024. (Photo by ALBERTO SUAREZ / API / AFP)

Special forces of the Ecuadorian police trying to break into the Mexican embassy in Quito to arrest the former vice president of Ecuador, Jorge Glas, on April 5, 2024. (Photo by ALBERTO SUAREZ / API / AFP)


In the case of EcuadorThe relationship of Mexico with that country is broken after on April 5 the Ecuadorian president Daniel Noboa ordered the armed forces and police to enter the Mexican Embassy in Quito to enforce an arrest warrant against the former vice president Jorge Glas. The politician was wanted by a court for corruption and had entered the diplomatic headquarters to request asylum, which was finally granted and he was still arrested.

With respect to ArgentinaAMLO and his counterpart Javier Milei They have had harsh exchanges of statements. In March of this year, the Mexican said: “I still don’t understand how Argentines voted for someone who despises the people.”

AMLO’s words were in response to an attack by Mileiwho in an interview with CNN called him “ignorant.”

In the same interview with CNN, Milei was asked about a word from the then presidential candidate. Claudia Sheinbaum, who said that the libertarian’s victory was a setback for Argentina. “The populism that they praise so much, the socialism of the 21st century, cost Argentines 80% of their income,” Milei responded.

Sheinbaum answered to Milei and asked him to have respect for AMLO. “They are different projects, the town of Mexico decided to throw back neoliberalism, and enter a new process unique to Mexico, because it is not copied anywhere else. “We claim the free market, private investment, the role of businessmen, we are against corruption, but we also claim the role of the State, in terms of the welfare state,” he said.

Claudia Sheinbaum speaks during a press conference in Mexico City.  (EFE/José Méndez).

Claudia Sheinbaum speaks during a press conference in Mexico City. (EFE/José Méndez).

What can happen now?

In his victory speech delivered early Monday morning, Sheinbaum He said that in foreign policy It will continue the policy of “non-intervention” and “cooperation” with other countries.

When referring specifically to USA He said: “There will be a relationship of friendship, mutual respect and equality, as it has been until now. And we will always defend the Mexicans who are on the other side of the border.”

“With the south and the Caribbean we will continue to expand our friendly relations together with the whole world,” he anticipated.

What can be expected from a Sheinbaum Government and its relations with Peru, Ecuador and Argentina?

The Mexican journalist Ignacio Rodríguez Reyna he told Trade that apparently there will be no modification in Mexican foreign policy. “Claudia Sheinbaum “He confirmed in his campaign closing that he plans to maintain and deepen what López Obrador has done,” he said.

“With respect to countries like the Peru, Ecuador and Argentina, It does not seem that the president is going to change the official position in general terms”said Rodríguez Reyna.

The journalist said that there could be nuances, but there are no signs that there will be a rapprochement with those nations.

“On the contrary, diplomatic tension and disagreements could deepen. International relations are not the forte of Sheinbaum and she will probably be guided by how she has acted: will consider that Pedro Castillo is a politically persecuted person and that he is in prison due to pressure from the oligarchic sectors of Peru. With Noboa there will be a firm position – it seems to me with justified reason – that interference with the Mexican diplomatic headquarters is inadmissible and an act of diplomatic barbarity. And with Mileithe actions and the tremendously ideologized and far-right speech of the Argentine president, will make it very difficult for the frictions and clashes to soften,” Rodríguez Reyna pointed out.

Claudia Sheinbaum.  (EFE/José Méndez).

Claudia Sheinbaum. (EFE/José Méndez).

/ Jose Mendez

For Juan Poom Medinadoctor in Social Sciences with a specialty in Political Science, the Government of Sheinbaum should seek to improve relations with some of the Latin American nations with which it AMLO has had a series of disagreements.

“In the case of Peru and Argentina, the tensions have been verbal and have not led to major consequences; However, in the case of Ecuador the situation was different due to the untimely invasion of the Mexican Embassy in that country,” Poom told Trade.

The analyst highlighted that Sheinbaum She is a woman of science, of intellectual and political training, and who He will reach the federal Executive with a new work team with which he must undertake new diplomatic relations.

“Specifically, the commitment is to continue with the process of transformation of public life that began AMLO, although the distinctive seal of the new president remains to be seen. I see that it will be a less ideological and more practical administration, as Sheinbaum has said in interviews,” said Poom.

“From the reading I did of the debates and interviews with Sheinbaum, an open-door Government is envisioned, mainly in its relations with other nations. It is important to highlight the role that the new Secretary of Foreign Affairs will play… I even consider that Mexico will debut a new style of governing in the figure of Claudia Sheinbaum,” he added.

The Peruvian international analyst Francisco Belaunde Matossian He indicated that it is not known what Sheinbaum will do with relations with Peru because his position on the issue is unknown. “What is known is that once he leaves power, AMLO will surely seek to have a lot of influence in the new government.”

With respect to EcuadorBelaunde Matossian remarked to Trade that what was done by this country was an express violation of diplomatic law. “For this reason, I do not believe that in a Government of Sheinbaum change the situation in the short term; What’s more, they will surely insist on the freedom of Jorge Glas so that the asylum can be made effective.”

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