A year before he began taking teenagers to his apartment in Vallecas where, according to the complaints against him, he gave them drugs and sexually assaulted themHernán, the 34 year old tiktoker of the binomial known as the ‘Petazetaz’looked for a partner on a television program, according to what the investigation and events channel of this editorial group has learned.

The last time he went on TV to find a partner, in April 2022, Hernán was about to become a well-known influencer, popular for publishing, with his friend Ivan (also investigated), supposedly funny videos, many of them on the doors of discos and nightclubs, which accumulated more than 400,000 followers on TikTok.

“I’m looking for love with a jacket”

In his intervention in the program, Hernán said that he was 32 years old, lived in Madrid and was a clerk in a sports store. And he introduced himself as “the bachelor looking for love with a jacket”. He refused to take it off during his dinner with the girl he shared a date with, despite also wearing, under the jacket, a white turtleneck sweater, which covered tattoos that he has on his neck.

Despite the warnings he received that in that program “temperature rises very quickly”Hernán insisted on having dinner with his coat on: “I’m used to the heat, I’m from the south, from Extremadura”.

“Audiovisual technician”

That was not the first time that the alleged rapist went on a dating show to win over a girl. As this media has found out, the oldest of the ‘Petazetaz’ was already on television in July 2016. He was then 26 years old, he claimed to be “audiovisual technician and public relations” and live between Badajoz, his birthplace, and Madrid.

On his first visit to television, Hernán ‘Petazetaz’ rejected his blind date, a 22-year-old girl, because she seemed “too crazy.” He then said that he was looking for a “calmer” girl.

Hernán showed up that time dressed in a shirt, sweater and jacket and with an innocent announcement: “I’m looking for the perfect little princess”. He refused to have a second date with the candidate to be her partner, a 22-year-old girl who thought about being a nun but ended up looking for a “travel companion” on television. Then Hernán said that she was “too crazy” for him and preferred “a quieter girl.”

superiority attitude

When he went on television, Hernán had not committed any crime. His first problem with justice It took place in 2023, when the police arrested him in possession of a small amount of drugs. In December 2024 he was reported by two young people and in February 2024 he was arrested for alleged sexual crimes and crimes against public health in Operation Network.

Nine minors, between 13 and 17 years old, have reported to the police that Hernán submitted their will with drugs and sexually assaulted some of them. To one of them, a 13-year-old girl, he even said: “What I like is giving girls drugs and consume with them, that’s how you fuck better“, as the victim explained to the police.

Another minor, who reports that Hernán forced her to have unprotected sex, explained very upset to the agents that “he had an attitude of superiority” and that “He came to think that if he did not agree, he would not be able to leave the place”.

“A predator”

Some of the minors took a while to report the influencer out of fear or ashamed to tell their parents the happened. Others, who had never taken substances like GHBThey didn’t really understand what had happened to them, they only knew that something had made them lose their will.

According to investigators, Hernán had several cameras installed in his apartment and he boasted of record sexual videos with the girls he managed to take there, some of them minors. In one of the audios included in the summary he is heard saying: “I don’t mind seeing how I destroy a woman from behind. “I’m a predator”.

This medium has contacted Hernán and his lawyer, both have declined to comment. Also with the television program and with its production company, without success.

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